Planatol Elasta N -. Dispersion glue Planatol Elasta N (polyvinyl acetate), neutral pH. For manual and machine gluing, strong adhesive, soluble in water up to 30%, and workability can be reduced by adding adhesive, manual production of books and plates for gluing blocks.
Planatol Planaxol - Special synthetic resin adhesive, transparent, contains plasticizer. By manual gluing, bind the blocks and cover the PH 7 plates with paper, fabric.
Rp19 S – Amount of dispersed adhesive solid particles 30%, pH 5 9, viscosity min. 0.6 is primarily intended for use in machine binding, specially designed according to the requirements of the Prague Municipal Library.
Material code | Description | Package |
10570 10570 10570 | Elasta N 1 kg Elasta N 5 kg Elasta N 30 kg | 1 kg 5 kg 30 kg |
OST00147 OST00147 | Planaxol 1 kg Planaxol 5 kg | 1 kg 5 kg |
40241 | RP19 S-10kg | 10 kg |